Sandbu, Martin

The economics of belonging a radical plan to win back the left behind and achieve prosperity for all / [e-book] : Martin Sandbu. - 1 recurso electrónico (296 pages) : illustrations

The end of belonging -- Who are the left behind? -- Culture versus economics -- Half a century of policy mistakes -- Scapegoating globalisation -- Economics, jobs, and the art of car maintenance -- Economic policies for empowerment -- Macroeconomic policy for the left behind -- A smarter financial system -- A tax policy for the left behind -- Whose GDP? -- Globalisation with a human face -- Beyond left and right.

9780691204536 (ebook)

Macroeconomía--Países occidentales--Libros electrónicos
Producto interno bruto--Países occidentales--Libros electrónicos
Suicidio--Causas--Países occidentales--Libros electrónicos

Países occidentales--Condiciones económicas--Siglo XXI--Libros electrónicos
Países occidentales--Política económica--Libros electrónicos

LE330 / S213e